
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Something new, something old

As I've been working on planning my NaNo novel for 2013, I've been getting very excited about writing it.  I'm not saying yet what it is, because I'm thinking about making the reader guess... and I don't want to give anything away in case that's what I decide.  It's not a vampire story (...exactly), and it doesn't take place in Ruby's world (although I suppose it could), but it does have a dark theme in keeping with my vampire series.  My plan is for it to be a short novel that I finish in November (should the NaNo gods allow it), so that I can get back to my Ruby revisions afterward.

The more I plan and plot on my novel, the more the story comes out -- things I never expected or foresaw initially -- and the more I anticipate writing it.  I can imagine characters and scenes in my head now, and have spent quite a bit of time daydreaming about my novel.

Not that I'm leaving Ruby behind entirely.  I think I'm going to dress up as Ruby for my region's NaNoWriMo kickoff party (which happens Halloween night, so a lot of people come in costume, some as their characters).  Even though I'm not writing Ruby this year, dressing like her seems the thing to do (partly because dressing as a flapper would be more recognizable and fun than dressing as a 19th century maid).

And I still think about my Rubyverse all the time.  Ruby and her world have become such a big part of my life that hardly a day goes by that I don't think something about the novel, or its characters, or the 1920s.

In any case, I recently got my hair cut short enough that I should be able to pull off a 1920s-style bob with finger waves, and this week I'll be checking thrift and costume stores for a dress for my Ruby costume.  I will post pictures of my costume Thursday night!

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