
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Back to work on my Camp NaNoWriMo novel!

I got stalled on my novel revisions and timeline a little over a week ago -- I got really busy, and then had taxes to do.  The last few years, I've been getting progressively worse about keeping up on my bookkeeping throughout the year, and in 2003 I kept up on it not at all.  That meant catching up on the entire year's worth of payments and receipts all at once.  Even though I did some of it here and there throughout the week leading up to Tax Day, I was still up all night Monday night in order to finish my bookkeeping and do our tax returns.

I'm still recovering from my missed night of sleep (I did sleep a few hours midday, but not enough to make up for pulling an all nighter), but once I'm feeling awake again I'm going to get back to work on my novel.  I'm also trying to remember to blog regularly (this is my second blog post tonight), start a new blog, update my older blogs, and just in general get better organized and increase my productivity.

I have a lot I am trying to do right now -- hopefully my novel won't suffer for it!  I still would like to get this novel finished in April so that I can get back to work on revisions to Ruby Ransome in May.

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