
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

NaNoWriMo 2022, Day 21: 42,838 words

Yesterday was another low writing day, but on the flip side, it was also a high reading day.  I'm now more than halfway through Dracula, and after that, Carmilla will be a fast read.

I'm glad I'm rereading these, because I'm picking up on things I wouldn't have remembered from my last time reading them - things that it would make sense to note in my novel.

Yesterday I wrote 790 words, so I kept up with what I need in order to finish my 50,000 by the end of the month, and also accomplished another day in a row of updating my word count.  So it was still a win, even if I didn't write very much.  But I'm looking forward to finishing reading these books and getting back to work on writing.

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